
The Voter Registration Department performs a wide variety of duties related to the election process. We are responsible for registering voters, keeping the voter registrations up-to-date, providing voting locations, recruiting poll workers for Election Day, maintaining and securing the voting machines, and providing election results once the election process is complete.

Our goal is to always provide accurate up-to-date information to voters as well as potential candidates who wish to run for office.

If you would like to view what your ballot will look like for the upcoming election please visit the Secretary of State’s website and view the Sample Ballots. Here you can not only find your personal ballot but a copy of each ballot in the entire state of Kentucky. Please use the additional links below to answer your election-related questions.

Become a Registered Voter!

Request an Absentee Ballot by Mail

Must be an eligible voter in compliance with KRS 117.085 Secure Ballot Dropboxes are located at the Campbell County Clerk’s Office. Please use the drop box built into the office wall on the courthouse side of the office 24/7 or during business hours a secure drop box is located in our motor vehicle waiting area. Ballots must be received by 6pm on Election Day!

Become a Precinct Election Officer

Federal Voting Assistance Program

All active-duty​ military or overseas voters are eligible for absentee ballots by using the electronic system. Please visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program

Become A Candidate

Kentucky Registry of Election Finance

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